One of the best ways to increase the car count in an auto repair shop is through customer referrals. There’s just one problem. Most shop owners either assume customer referrals are given automatically when they do a great job or are often reluctant to ask their customers for referrals. Both mindsets need to be discarded and a formal referral strategy needs to be developed.
Why should you formalize a referral strategy?
When a shop owner has a systematic approach designed to seek out and generate referrals, the job of marketing and selling becomes less costly and much simpler. Why is this so? It is because your customers, those who are satisfied with the care they received at your shop, have pre-sold you to someone they know.
What’s important to remember about creating a referral strategy?
Your customer has put his or her name and reputation on the line by referring your shop to family, friends and/or business associates. Never take this for granted.
What steps are needed to create a customer referral strategy?
- Identify your ideal referral customer. You should be able to quickly communicate the type of person (or business) that would make a great referral.
- Make certain you are delivering a memorable and positive brand experience.
- Outline your referral offer and include some type of reward, whether it is money, recognition, or a special gift.
- Decide how you will communicate this offer and the ideal referral type to your customers. You can hand them a card when they pick up their vehicle or you may want to send a special mailing to your best customers. You should also communicate this offer on your website.
- Detail the system you will use to handle all the referrals that come to you. Referral leads are of no value if there is no strategy in place to convert them into customers.
- Educate your employees so they know how to treat a newly-referred customer.
What do you do once you have referrals coming in?
You will want to provide exceptional customer service to gain the trust and loyalty of your new customers (read “Is Your Shop Delivering that WOW! Experience?”). Once you’ve done that, you can add their names to your referral source group.
Need help creating a formal referral strategy for your shop? Click here to schedule your FREE 30-Minute Marketing Review with one of our marketing professionals.