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Help, I have a negative review! Now what?! – Dealing with negative reviews online.

Auto Repair Shops - Dealing with Negative ReviewsWere you aware that social media has five times the impact of traditional word-of-mouth? More and more customers are becoming increasingly outspoken about the experiences they are having with businesses. In the past, they may have told a few friends, family members or business associates. Now, they broadcast their “likes” and dislikes all over the web. From blog and social media posts to on-line reviews, these customers are telling their story about your business. This means you must be engaged in new technology to manage their on-line communications.

Increasing Car Count Through Customer Referrals

Increasing car count through customer referrals.One of the best ways to increase the car count in an auto repair shop is through customer referrals. There’s just one problem. Most shop owners either assume customer referrals are given automatically when they do a great job or are often reluctant to ask their customers for referrals. Both mindsets need to be discarded and a formal referral strategy needs to be developed.

What’s Your Time Worth?

time-moneyAs a shop owner, have you ever asked yourself the question, “What’s my time worth?” In general, most business owners don’t consider the cost of their time when calculating expenses or investments in areas like marketing. Many times shop owners will handle tasks, like marketing or bookkeeping, on their own. The most commonly cited reason — to save money. However, if they were to evaluate the time and effort they put into handling these activities, they would find their shop would be better served if they retained the services of an outsourced professional. How do you know if it’s more advantageous for you to hire an outside professional or do it yourself? Here are some ways to evaluate the worth of your time.

When Planning, Customer Retention Should Outweigh New Customer Acquisition

auto-repair-shop-customer-retentionIf you were to evaluate your marketing budget, how much is devoted to customer retention vs. new customer acuisition? In attempts to drive up car count, many shop owners invest a good deal of their efforts and marketing dollars into prospecting and securing new customers. In the process, they forget about their best source of repeat and new business – their existing customers.