When you’re marketing to women, you’re marketing to more than 80% of the customers you have coming into your shop. Even more importantly, you’re marketing to their friends. When you earn a woman’s trust, you will find she will tell her friends about your shop. That means your car count grows.
An excellent way to earn the trust of your women customers is to hold periodic car care clinics. These are events where the women attendees learn about their vehicles. Teach them how to check the fluids and put air in their tires. Show them how to change a tire. Educate them on their vehicle engines. They want to know, and if you’re the one to show them, you’ve succeeded in developing a stronger relationships with them.
Don’t know where to begin? That’s ok! We’ve done this for our clients countless times. We can handle any and/or all of the following:
- Creating a flyer
- Writing a press release
- Promoting the event on your website, community calendars, and social media sites
- Taking registrations
- Sending thank you notes
- And more!
Shift into a higher gear! Fill out the following form to request additional information on how Motorhead Advantage can help you hold a Women’s Car Care Clinic that will grow your auto repair shop.
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