Social media marketing may be the fastest growing platform for internet marketing. Next to video, it’s getting a lot of attention and rightly so. It’s where your potential customers are interacting with friends and finding out about their favorite brands. Whether or not you have embraced internet marketing for your shop, you will benefit from understanding the opportunities associated with running a strong social media campaign. Here’s what you should know:
The Secret to Effective Auto Repair Marketing Strategies
If you’re looking for one auto repair marketing strategy to overtake your shop with new customers, you may be searching for a very long time. When it comes to marketing and advertising, it’s important to know that every auto repair marketing strategy you utilize must be done with a plan and in conjunction with other strategies.
4 Auto Repair Advertising Ideas
Shop owners are continually searching for the most effective ways to handle their auto repair marketing. From placemats to television commercials and everything in between, there’s never a shortage of auto repair advertising ideas. Here are 4 auto repair advertising ideas I believe to be quite effective at getting results.
7 Best Practices for Talking with Customers
The most common auto repair gripes can be boiled down into three main reasons customers aren’t satisfied: 1) pricing complaints, 2) the inability to fix the problem, and 3) the length of time it took to complete the repair. It’s our contention that these complaints occur because relevant information isn’t communicated up front. Don’t beat yourself up. We’re all guilty of communicating poorly from time to time.
July Auto Repair Shop Marketing and Promotional Ideas
Need auto repair shop marketing and promotional ideas for July? One of the biggest events in July is Independence Day. Yes, it’s ok to get in on the bandwagon and show your appreciation and love for your country. What if you’d like to feature some promotions that are a little bit different? We’ve got some auto repair shop marketing and promotional ideas for you.