Having an effective auto repair marketing plan is vital to your shop’s success. I am often amazed when I hear that a shop owner isn’t doing much in the way of marketing. Auto repair marketing plans and schedules provide a sense of direction and the ability to generate brand awareness. Without a plan, your business will falter. If you’re like most shop owners, you may be wondering what you should include in your auto repair marketing plan. In this blog post, I’ll identify 11 essential components of an auto repair marketing plan.
Before I go over the vital components of an auto repair marketing plan, I would like to concentrate on the necessity of consistent messaging. When I talk about consistent messaging, I’m not only referring to what your website or advertisements say about your auto repair shop. I’m referring to the entire customer experience – from your marketing and advertising to your fulfillment of services and after-care activities. At least once each year, you and the key members of your team should review all the areas of your business to ensure that everything you are doing is consistent with your core values.
from your marketing and advertising to your fulfillment of services and after-care activitiesFrom marketing to fulfillment of services - be consistent with your core values. Share on X
Now, back to your auto repair marketing plan… You should include these components:
- Advertising – Target publications and other advertising media that are read or listened to by your prospective customer.
- Article Writing & Blogging – Websites that contain relevant content will rank higher in Google. It’s also a way of showcasing your expertise so you begin to build trust with potential customers earlier in the sales process.
- Direct Mail – Your auto repair marketing plan should include a direct mail campaign that targets current, inactive and prospective customers. For example, use targeted mailers if you want to attract owners of certain types of vehicles. Every Door Direct Mail is also an affordable way to mail to residences around your shop.
- Email – Spend money on an on-line system that manages an email campaign to existing and potential customers.
- Joint Ventures, Partnerships & Strategic Alliances – Develop relationships with businesses in your area and cross-market one another.
- Manage Online Reviews – When individuals perform a local internet search and see your Google+ places, Yahoo, or other directory listings, they will read the reviews people have written about your shop. It’s almost impossible to avoid negative reviews. When it happens, make sure you have a plan to deal with it professionally.
- Networking – While you don’t have to attend every networking meeting, it’s important to join a select number of groups where you can become involved and build relationships.
- Press Releases – Once again, you showcase your expertise when you write press releases about important and relevant topics. The local media may also turn to you when they need a source for an article or feature.
- Car Care Clinics and Other Events – Be seen as a helpful expert.
- Referral Program – Ask for referrals.
- Social Media – Engage customers and prospects on social media sites suitable for your auto repair shop. Make sure you are active and find ways to connect with your on-line communities. You may also want to consider targeted advertising on certain social media sites.
Need assistance implementing any of these strategies in your auto repair marketing plan? The marketing professionals at Motorhead Advantage are ready to help you succeed. Click here to schedule a complimentary 30-minute marketing review.